5 Easy to Make, Kid-Friendly Campground Snacks

Making sure your kids are eating wholesome food and staying hydrated can be a difficult task. And even more so when you’re camping in the blazing heat of summer. To satisfy everyone’s cravings, you will need everything from sweet to savoury, premade to campfire cooking. Here are five camping friendly snacks that your kids will love.

//Ants on a log

This is a classic snack that emerged in the 1950s and has remained a popular staple since. Ants on a log are easily made with any spread on celery with raisins on top. Pick popular spreads, such as peanut butter, almond butter, hummus, cream cheese, or even honey to satisfy your kids’ cravings.

//Warm cinnamon apple slices

A fantastic and healthy breakfast option, the cinnamon apple stands easily on its own delectably and nutritiously.  Toss sliced apples in a bag with some ground cinnamon, nutmeg, and sugar, set a saucepan over the campfire, then sit back and watch the apples tender and aroma flourish.

//Peanut butter Trail mix oat bar

Granola bars are not only camping-friendly and healthy, but also devastatingly easy and quick to make. Crush some almonds and cashews in a blender, mix them in a bowl with some oats, ground flax, chocolate chips, and raisins, then pour melted peanut butter, or any nut butter of your choice, and maple syrup over the ingredients. Once the mixture is well distributed, pack it firmly on a baking pan and let it set in the refrigerator.

//Toasted pita and hummus

Hummus is a superstar food for its health benefits. It is high in protein, fights hunger cravings, and iron content that helps boost energy. Toast some pita bread over the fire and pair it with your perfect camping dip.

//Watermelon popsicles 

Given that watermelons are 92% water, they are incredibly hydrating and make the perfect camping snacks. Slice your watermelons into small triangles then spear them on wooden sticks. This one-ingredient snack is high in vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants, and takes just five minutes. 

These great camping tips and recipes have been brought to you by a partnership between Spud.ca and Raising Edmonton. Heading out to the campground this weekend? Try some of these recipes – and don’t forget to tag us if you share on Instagram! 

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