10 Easy Lifestyle Changes to Lower Your Energy and Carbon Footprint

The frequent and often detrimental consequences of climate change are concerning. In the grand scheme of things, it may seem like an individual’s efforts don’t make much of a difference; however,by making certain changes to your lifestyle, you can help the environment, as well as inspire others around you to follow in your footsteps.

Are you looking for ways to reduce your carbon footprint? Going green doesn’t have to be a hassle or expensive. In this post, we’re sharing some easy ways to go green in your everyday life. Take a look.

1. Say goodbye to Single-Use Plastic

We use single-use plastic in so many ways without even realising it. From plastic straws, to take-out bags, disposable plastic is everywhere. All it takes is a conscious effort to reduce single-use plastic in your life. Start carrying metal straws, cloth bags, and reusable cups.

2. Avoid Using Chemical Cleaners

You are probably using chemical cleaners at home without even thinking twice. But such chemical cleaners contain volatile organic compounds (VOC) that affect the indoor air quality, as well as adding to outdoor smog. These cleaning products lead to water pollution when washed into rivers and other water bodies.

Choose organic and eco-friendly cleaning products, for additional savings you can even try making cleaning solutions at home.

3. Explore Renewable Energy Options

Installing solar panels helps you to utilise renewable energy, which is better for the planet. Ultimately you can also save a considerable amount on your energy bills.

If you currently cannot spend on solar energy panels, there are affordable alternatives available. Switching to a GreenPower plan is one of the easiest ways to reduce your impact on the environment. Also, if you are on the market for a new energy plan and looking for an environmentally conscious energy provider, check out Momentum Energy.

4. Start Composting

Do you throw away leftover food, vegetable trimming, and fruit peels? Instead, start composting! This simple process can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

5. Reduce Waste

From food to packaging, take a look at different ways you are generating waste. It’s possible to significantly reduce waste by adopting mindful consumption practices and making necessary substitutions.

Start preparing a list and meal planning before shopping for groceries. This will ensure you are not buying more than you need. Also, look for packaging-free and bulk grocery stores in your neighbourhood.

6. Recycle the Right Way

Just dumping everything you ‘think’ can be recycled is a flawed practice. It’s possible that you’re sending unsuitable things that simply increase the workload of recycling companies. Try to find out what your local recycling unit accepts.

7. Get Appliances Serviced

As appliances get older, they lose their efficiency and start consuming more energy. To keep your appliances in prime condition, make sure they are serviced timely. This will save you a lot of money in the long run and help the planet.

8. Reconsider Energy Usage

Careless energy consumption not just increases your energy bills, but also impacts the environment. When buying appliances, always check for an Energy Star rating to ensure efficiency. Other than that, unplug devices that use phantom load and invest in a smart thermostat.

9. Go Meat-Free

Eating a meat-free meal even a couple of times a week is not that difficult. If you cannot do without meat, there are several vegan and vegetarian substitutes available.

10. Drive Less

Do you usually drive for every small errand? If something is close by, try walking or biking. If you live in a city that’s well connected with public transportation, then make the most of it. It’s convenient, affordable, and environmentally friendly.

Wrapping Up

While this is not an exhaustive list, it is a good place to start. Besides taking measures in your personal life, you can also contribute time and resources to organisations fighting climate change.