Basic Steps To Take In A Hit And Run Accident

Hit and run accidents are illegal in every state, but that does not mean people have ceased to commit the horrendous crime. According to such laws, when individuals run their motor vehicle into someone, they are supposed to stay with the victim until help arrives. Unfortunately, while any accident where you might not be at fault is a frustrating experience, hit and run tend to be the worst. That is because it means that the person who imposed harm on you is not even willing to step up and take responsibility for their action – which is the bare minimum of what they can do.

Unfortunately, your capacity to track down the liable individual and collect the compensation you deserve for the injuries you have suffered relies entirely upon what you do following the accident. Remember the basic steps you need to take after a hit-and-run accident to help make sure that you can seek a settlement for your damages. Furthermore, learn how contacting the best car accident lawyer in San Diego can help your case. 

Steps to Remember Following a Hit and Run Accident

Step #1: Note the License Plate Number

First and foremost, when you are a victim of a hit and run, try to pay attention to the vehicle. The easiest way to track down the culprit who fled the scene is by writing down the vehicle’s license plate number. Although this is not always possible, you can try to stay in your senses and remember the plate number. All details regarding the vehicle can help you greatly in the long haul. 

Step #2: Call the Police/Ambulance (911)

Once you become aware of what had just happened, immediately dial 911. 911 alone gets an ambulance and police to your location. Since a hit and run is a crime, a police report is required for your insurance claim. There is a chance that the police might be unable to track down the hit and run driver, but you will have documented the accident through the help of the police report. The police report will serve as proof of the accident, along with the fact that you were not at fault.

Moreover, it is vital that you do not admit to any sort of fault in the accident. Instead, you should only deal with the apparent facts. Otherwise, it could harm your case.

Step #3: Witnesses to Attest to the Accident 

Look around and see if anyone would have witnessed the accident and exchange contact information with them. If possible, ask them to stay with you until the police arrive since their information could potentially help the police investigation. Their recount of the accident could also serve as evidence in your claim. It is beneficial to have witnesses who can attest to the accident if you plan to pursue your case legally. 

Step #4: Document Everything

After any kind of accident, it is essential to document everything you remember. For instance, the time, location, make/model/year/color of the vehicle, etc. You can also include traffic conditions and whether or not there were security cameras around.

Step #5: Contacting the Best Hit and Run Lawyer

Sometimes, the police are unable to identify and locate the hit-and-run driver. Under such unfortunate circumstances, you should get in touch with a personal injury lawyer. By doing so, your chances of receiving compensation for damages suffered during and following the accident increase significantly. Furthermore, experienced lawyers can even assist you in assessing the damages and operate directly with your insurance company.