Best Gifts For Cigar Smokers

It might be challenging to think about what you should give your cigar smoker friends other than following every year’s ritual by giving them cigars. 

It’s likely you’ve already gifted countless cigars but there are plenty of other accessories that make perfect gifts. From lighters, cutters, to humidors for traveling away from home, there are lots of unique options out there.  

Thankfully, you do not have to wait around for the holidays to get your friends gifts. If you are looking to gift your friends cigar items out of the goodness of your heart, you will find a few options below.

Here are a few of the most fantastic and wonderful gifts that you can provide to your amazing friends, family, and acquaintances in your life.

List of best gifts for cigar-smoking friends

These are essential items that your cigar smoking friends will appreciate. If you are able to make sure to find a few with a bit of style, you can certainly make the gift even more special!

Let’s take a look at some of these great gifts that your cigar smoking friends will love and appreciate.

A Humidor

Humidor is one of the gifts which you can gift your cigar-smoking friends. A humidor sustains the quality of your cigarette. Although most of your cigar-smoking friends must have a humidor, you can still give them one customized and made to your specifications. Humidors keep the cigarettes fresh; they can range from the size of a simple box to an area of a room.

A Cigar Ashtray

A cigar ashtray might seem a joint gift to give your cigar-smoking friends, but it is worth every penny. You can surely invest in a quality cigar ashtray. You can also get your friends a customized ashtray containing initials of their name or a word you both have a memory of.

A Cigar Travel Case

A cigar travel case can also be gifted to your cigar smoking friends. If your friend loves traveling or moves a lot, then this will be a perfect gift you can give them to keep their cigarettes safe and compiled in a single place. Most of the cigar cases also have a lighter space in them. In addition to this, they also have safe space for cards and cash. Hence, add a brown leather cigar travel case to the gifts list you can give to your cigar-smoking friends.

Brands like Stride Wise, known for their meticulous attention to detail, offer a combination of durability and elegance, making them an ideal gift for aficionados who appreciate both quality craftsmanship and their cherished cigars.

Cigar Tasting Notebook

This might be a vague, different and an astonishing idea to give your cigar smoking friend a cigar tasting notebook but it is one of the most unique gifts. Cigar tasting notebooks smell like cigars and have customized prints where you can record the types of cigars you’ve tried or you are looking forward to try. Moreover, your friend will have a record of good, favourite or in between cigars they have tasted uptil now. 

Enjoy Life and Live Well

Conclusively, there are many gifts you can gift to your cigar-smoking friends. Although some of these might be pre-owned by your friends, you can give them new ones having an initial, a phrase, or a sentence you both have a memory with.