How Blockchain and bitcoin Technology is Changing Real Estate

Real estate is a market sector that historically has been far more linear, with a purchase and sale agreement happening between just two parties: the buyer and the seller. So if you want to start bitcoin trading in only three steps, visit here, you will get the best liquidity, and the platform is immune to volatility risk. In other words, no decentralized ledger tracks everything from where the title is held to possession of documents.

But all that is changing now that blockchain and bitcoin technology has come along. It could revolutionize everything from buying and selling to mortgage processing. The entire process will be simplified and reduced in cost for buyers and sellers alike — with less risk for everyone involved — thanks to its decentralized nature. Real estate has been sluggish in technology advancements, with the industry being largely paper-based. 

A typical residential property disclosure report can run up to 50 pages. It’s a system ripe for change, and blockchain and bitcoin could do just that. Buying and selling a home is arduous, with 6 to 10 per cent of closing costs being cited as the norm. Blockchain technology could reduce that and ensure a more secure transfer of funds throughout each process stage since it will provide a transparent, secure means to track every transaction — as you’d find in the stock market.

Blockchain can also simplify mortgage underwriting by allowing lenders to evaluate borrowers’ financials for suitability through secure access via encrypted digital networks. As a result, buyers can submit their loan applications online and receive critical loan decisions instantly. Let’s discuss how bitcoin and bitcoin are revolutionizing real estate. 

Blockchain’s Potential To Transform Real Estate

Blockchain, essentially a distributed database, is gaining traction in the U.S. and worldwide because of its ability to secure and track transactions without needing a third-party intermediary. This process creates an unalterable transaction record that users can use to transfer digital assets between parties instantly — a feature that could have far-reaching implications for real estate transactions, including conveyance and title reporting. 

An Efficient Real Estate Industry 

Blockchain has the potential to create efficiencies throughout the transactional process from contract to settlement and beyond, reducing costs associated with loan processing, title insurance and related services. 

While the bitcoin blockchain is best known for enabling digital currency, it can also be applied by people in many other ways. For example, fractional real estate interest transactions can be recorded and tracked on a blockchain ledger. As a result, the technology offers a permanent, transparent, and secure means to track every step of a complicated real estate transaction from purchase through settlement.

Smart contracts can streamline real estate:

The use of smart contracts can streamline the contractual process and make it more secure by creating an escrow that releases funds only when all requirements of the contract have been met. In addition to the digitization process, blockchain has the potential to provide lenders with better visibility into borrowers’ capacity to repay loans. Blockchain, among the fastest-growing technologies in finance, is also being used to foster transparency and efficiency in residential, commercial and office property transactions.

A study by Deloitte and IBM found that blockchain could “improve property transaction times and costs” across multiple industries. For example, the report found that title, mortgage, and land registration processes could be streamlined using blockchain technology, allowing as many as 10 million fewer births or death certificate records to be issued annually; 74 million fewer real estate contracts to be executed annually; 4 million fewer mortgage loan papers to be submitted annually; and 926 million fewer deeds to be issued a year. Early adopters of this technology are banks looking to streamline the mortgage approval process.

Tokenization of real estate:

Tokenization of real estate also validates property transfer in a more secure, verifiable manner. The buyer, seller and title company can all see the transaction information permanently stored on a blockchain ledger.

Other use cases for blockchain and bitcoin include digital signatures, smart contracts and automated escrow — with funds released when all parties have fulfilled their obligations. Blockchain technology could revolutionize real estate in the same way that it has changed the financial services industry, reducing costs, safeguarding data and improving transparency for both buyers and sellers.

Online Property Listings & Transactions

Blockchain could also transform how home values are determined by enabling appraisals to be performed via mobile devices. Appraisers could also incorporate data from multiple sources to create more timely, accurate valuations and improve their asset management skills by using blockchain to track the valuations they’ve performed. 

Users could also impact commercial real estate, given that intelligent contracts can enhance the information flow and transfer of assets between buyers and sellers.

Blockchain technology can potentially improve interoperability among lenders, insurance providers and other service providers, streamlining the entire transaction process by creating a permanent record of every step in a transaction — from agreements to the disbursement of funds.

New FinTech Real Estate Solutions

Real estate agencies are also looking to use blockchain technology to their benefit. Blockchain’s distributed ledger system holds information in a secure and consistent format that people cannot change once it has been recorded or tampered with, creating a real-time transaction record that can be accessed by all parties involved. 

Moreover, by removing the need for third-party intermediaries in the residential property transaction process, blockchain could cut costs and lessen the burden on consumers. Transactions could also become faster and more secure than the status quo. 

In the near term, real estate professionals should expect only incremental improvements in their role as technology progresses — perhaps resulting in greater efficiency rather than complete disruption of the industry.