How to Store Hiking Boots Over Winter

If you are looking for answers on how to store hiking boots over winter, or you want to know how to take care of gumboots, there are a few tips you can follow. If you are a hiking champion or a newbie, there’s a chance you have a huge collection of boots. Unsure where to put them? Well, we have collected some helpful organizing tips that show, you how to store hiking boots neatly and efficiently. 

Four Ways To Store Hiking Boots Over Winter

No matter what the season, boot storage is a must-have. We have covered four organizing tips you can use to boost your hiking boots today.

#1. Use Metal Bins

Are you looking for a way to hide your muddy footwear? Well, not to worry. Keep them out of sight by using an easy-to-access galvanized metal bin. You can use a  roller to slide them under a table or the basement. 

#2. Hang them

As weird as it sounds, the hanging boot is an excellent option to store them without making them look messy. You can use boot hangers and display them. It maximizes closet space for ankle, new, or over-the-knee knee boots. 

Another way is to use a pant hanger to hang boots. Even though they both perform the same function, a pant hanger is an ideal option when you are heavy on the pocket. Cheap yet durable, adjust clip pant hangers and clip tall altogether. Here is a fun tip. You can use a washcloth in between them. By doing so, you prevent your boots from getting indent marks. 

#3. Stuff Tall Boots

The last thing you ever want for your hiking boots is for them to lose their shape. The best you can do is stuff them with extra material to keep their shape. You can use clothes or paper to stuff them. A wrapping paper roll also works for this purpose. Also, if you have a bunch of magazines that you do read anymore, roll them up and curl one into each boot. 

#4. Use Dust Bags and Shoe Boxes

Hiking boots are expensive. Seeing them get rough can be an utter nightmare. Of course, nobody likes throwing hefty amounts of money only to find out the boots have been damaged. A perfect solution to store the hiking boots is by placing them in shoe boxes and covering them with a dust bag. If you don’t have a shoebox, do worry. You can use a simple cloth bag or clean plastic bags. 

Take a Hike!

The bottom line is hiking boots are one of the essentials you will need for your next hiking session. And for this purpose, you never want to go wrong with them. As much as investing in pricey hiking boots is nice, it is essential to know how and where you can keep them safe. 

Remember that hiking is something that you will want to do regularly. If you want to keep hiking and finding your center in a more chaotic world, remember to store your boots well! They will take care of you as you take care of them.