Signs of Mosquito Infestation That You Need to Be Aware Of

Mosquitoes are one of the most common insect pests, and they can be found nearly everywhere in the world. Unfortunately, these insects are not just annoying, mosquitoes can pose major threats to your health as well, such as inflicting minor skin irritations and severe illnesses such as malaria, dengue fever, West Nile virus, and yellow fever. 

Mosquito bites are typically painless but they itch like crazy afterward. You might also notice an itchy red bump on your skin where the mosquito bit you! To prevent this, you should be aware of the most common mosquito infestation signs. This article will cover the most common warning signals.

1) There Is Standing Water On Your Property

Mosquitoes need standing water to breed. These insects typically lay their eggs in stagnant water, so if you have any standing water on your property it is likely that there are mosquito larvae growing there as well. There are different types of natural mosquito treatments that you can use to eliminate larvae that are growing in these areas. However, if there is a large number of mosquitoes breeding on your property, you will need to take more drastic measures. This means draining standing water on your land, clearing vegetation from any potential breeding sites, and taking other steps to prevent mosquito infestation.

2) You Live In Humid Area

Mosquitoes thrive in humid areas because they use the moisture of their environment to breed. This means that if you live somewhere with high levels of humidity year-round, your risk for mosquito infestation is increased significantly. Humid climates are also better suited for mosquitos because these insects are cold-blooded. This means they can control their temperature by absorbing heat from the environment around them. If you live in a humid climate, mosquitos will be able to regulate their body temperature very easily while inactive because of the high humidity level in the air.

3) There’s A Buzzing Sound In The Air

Another tell-tale sign of a potential mosquito infestation is the buzzing sound in the air. If you hear this loud buzzing noise, then there are almost certainly mosquitos nearby that are swarming around. When it comes to controlling mosquito populations, monitoring their behavior can be helpful as well. Mosquitoes typically swarm around during the early morning hours, during the sun’s highest point of the day, and in the late afternoon or early evening. You should always be aware of this behavior, and try to stay indoors at these times if possible.

4) You Notice A Musty Smell In The Air

Mosquitoes give off a musty smell in the air when they are nearby. This is a natural defensive mechanism that some people may find offensive while others do not notice it at all. Mosquitoes use their smell to signal other members of their species that a potential blood source is nearby. In order to prevent yourself from being this mosquito bait, always try to stay as scent-free as possible. Mosquitoes are attracted to strong scents such as those from perfumes or colognes because they want the person that’s wearing it as their next meal. You should avoid using these scents because they may cause you to be more vulnerable to mosquito bites during those peak hours of the day.

5) You Are Getting Bit 

If you are getting bit frequently while spending time outside, then there is a good chance that mosquitoes are present in your area. They will often times sneak up on their prey and deliver a quick bite before they can be shooed away from you. Unfortunately, mosquitos have been known to carry diseases such as malaria which can have fatal consequences. The earlier you become aware of a potential infestation, the better protecting yourself from these types of diseases will be.

6) There Are Mosquitoes In Your Home

If you notice mosquitoes inside your home or other building, then this is a tell-tale sign that they are breeding nearby. While it may be difficult to detect exactly where they are breeding, the musty smell of the larvae is often a good indicator. Your goal should be to find and eliminate stagnant water that may be creating this perfect mosquito habitat. Even if you cannot discover where this stagnant water is located, there are natural ways you can repel mosquitoes from your home without using harsh chemicals.

7) How To Get Rid Of Them?


If your home is currently free of mosquitos, the best way to keep them out is to create a barrier between your property and the outside world. You can use mosquito screens on windows or in doorways or create barriers around your yard that repel these insects before they can reach you. 

Natural Remedies 

If you already have mosquito infestation, there are natural remedies that can be used to get rid of them. One of the most effective is by using garlic, which is very versatile in its usage. You can make a repellent spray or simply eat it raw for your own protection. Besides garlic,  you can also use oils from other plants such as citronella, lavender, and lemon balm to repel mosquitos. These essential oils are natural remedies that can be used for a variety of issues.


There are also chemical options that can be used to kill mosquitos. One option is an insecticide spray that you can apply around your home, especially on the perimeter of the building. This will repel existing mosquitoes away from your property so they cannot reach you. Besides this, there is also a mosquito trap that emits a powerful light that mimics the sunlight, drawing these insects in and trapping them so you do not have to be around them.

If you’re experiencing any of the signs we’ve discussed, it may be time to take action. While there are natural remedies such as garlic and chemical solutions like insecticide sprays that can help get rid of them, prevention is always better than cure. Keep in mind where mosquitos breed and what they feed on when creating a shield around your home or property to keep these pesky insects at bay. We hope that this article has been helpful in giving you the knowledge you need to keep yourself protected from these boring insects!