The Top 4 Reasons Why You Need to Make a Will 

It’s a common misconception that all your valuables, assets, and even your children and pets will be in the care of a guardian you trust. The reality, however, is that unless you have a will, there can be a lot of back and forth until a court divides your assets and appoints a suitable guardian. These decisions may not reflect your wishes, not to mention they put your loved ones under immense stress. Luckily, by writing a will, you can ensure that you have the final say in where your valuables go, who inherits your estate, and who takes care of those you love the most. On that note, here are 4 reasons why you need to make one.

Ensures Your Wishes are Fulfilled

Many people assume that their wishes will be carried out automatically after passing away. The truth is, it rarely happens and can be extremely harmful to those you leave behind. If you have children who are underage, you want to put in writing whose care they will be in, same with your pets. Aside from your loved ones, you also want to ensure your valuables are left in the hands of your chosen individual. Your property, assets (including digital assets like online accounts,) are all going to your family members. If you aren’t married, you should be even more specific about the recipients of your assets. In other words, with a will, you get to disinherit those who would automatically inherit your belongings. This ensures that you can take care of your loved ones even when you’re gone. Furthermore, this forward planning allows you to determine your legacy. You can decide to make donations or gifts with your inheritance, whether to charities or elsewhere, and ensure your name lives on.

Makes Things Easier for Your Loved Ones

Your estate goes through a probate process with or without a will. Although with a will, you can reduce the length of time it remains in the probate process because you will have it appointed to the person of your choice. Otherwise, the court will decide about the division of your estate, and the people you want to give inheritance to may not receive any. Having a will that clearly states your decisions is easier for your family in many ways. It saves them a lot of time, money, and energy while preventing any family disputes over your assets. The best thing about it is that it guides your family in this difficult time by preparing everything in advance, including funeral arrangements, so that they can grant your last wishes.

Prevents Legal Challenges 

Not having a will before your death can result in your family members being left with many legal issues, and it only adds to their stress in a devastating time. First, you won’t have an executor who can ensure that your wishes are fulfilled. Second, your minor children, pets, and valuables may not end up with the guardians you would have selected for them. Third, you won’t have the opportunity to choose your burial preferences or have any say in the funeral. You’ll end up leaving this for your family to decide or, worse, a judge, so it’s important to make a will in advance.

The great thing about making a will is that it can be altered at any point in time if you want to make changes. In the UK, aside from appointing an executor to carry out your plans, many people refer to will writing solicitors to ensure they don’t miss anything when they write their will. Additionally, you don’t need to travel around locally in London to find great solicitors. You can sort out your will online from the comfort of your home. This makes writing a will extremely convenient, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t make things easier for your family once you pass away.

Provides Peace of Mind

Having all these details ironed out will provide you with peace of mind, knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of and your children, pets, estate, and assets are all going to be safe with the people you trust. The same goes for your loved ones, as they will have your guidance on how to fulfill your wishes.

It’s understandable that thinking about the day you’ll part with this world is not something that you think of fondly. In fact, you probably don’t want to think about it at all, and neither do your loved ones. However, being able to ensure things go according to your preferences will make you feel more at peace with the aftermath. Moreover, your family will already be dealing with the loss, so this can help them honor your life and legacy.