Wondering When Surrogacy Is A Good Option For You? Find Out Here

Wondering When Surrogacy Is A Good Option For You? Find Out Here

Surrogacy is a relatively new way for people who want to have a child but can’t otherwise conceive to do so. There are two types of surrogacy – gestational and traditional. Gestational surrogacy is much more common and involves an outside surrogate carrying a baby that’s not biologically related to her. While traditional surrogacy occurs when the surrogate is artificially inseminated and carries a child within her uterus that she intends to raise as her own. Regardless of the type, there are several situations in which surrogacy might be a good option for you, and we will go through the most common ones.

1. Unssuccesful IVF And ART

Many couples struggle to get pregnant with in vitro fertilization (IVF) or assistive reproductive technology (ART). These procedures are expensive and involve many doctor’s appointments. Plus, there’s no guarantee that they will work for you. If this is something you went through it can be a good idea to look into gestational surrogacy in order to have a child. In a similar sense, this is a viable option if IVF or ART procedures were out of your budget range as well. Regardless of why those treatments didn’t work for you, it’s important to remember that it is not your fault in any way, shape, or form and that you can still have a child if you want to.

2. Uterus Health

There are many different conditions that affect the health of the uterus. Unfortunately, a lot of the time, this makes it impossible to carry out a pregnancy to term. Some common conditions that might affect the health and wellness of your uterus are endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or Asherman’s Syndrome. If you have previously had a child but cannot carry another one to term because of problems with your uterus, surrogacy may be an option for you. A miscarriage, as traumatic as it can be, is also a common issue that affects the health of a uterus. If you have previously had a miscarriage due to problems with your uterus, surrogacy may be a good option for you.

3. High-Risk Pregnancy

A high-risk pregnancy is one in which you are at an increased risk of certain health conditions that could harm you or the unborn baby. If this is something that affects you, it’s important to consider your options for having a child because if the pregnancy puts your life in danger, surrogacy might be the best option for you. Blood type incompatibility, diabetes, and hypertension are just a few of the conditions that can affect your pregnancy and make it potentially dangerous, as well as your age. Some women choose to go through with the pregnancy, in this case, however, if you fall into the high-risk group, it’s important that you talk to your doctor and have them explain to you what your options are, and take enough time to think about the risks before making a decision.

4. Same-Sex Couples

If you are in a same-sex relationship and want to have a child that’s biologically yours, or your partner’s, surrogacy is a good option for you. If it is a lesbian relationship, either you or your partner could be the biological mother of the child. There’s also the option to artificially inseminate one partner’s egg, finding someone to become a egg donor, while the other one carries the pregnancy. Some couples go with this option so that they can both be physically involved in the pregnancy. If you are in a same-sex relationship that is between two men, they will both be fathers to the child, but only one of them will be biologically related to it. This is possible by taking the sperm of one father and artificially inseminating it into the egg of the surrogate. The surrogate will then carry the pregnancy to term.

There are many different situations in which surrogacy might be a good option for you, and this article will explain four of the most common. If you want to be a parent, the important thing is not to lose hope – there’s always a way to have the family you’ve always dreamed of.