Signs You Might Need to Consider a Hair Transplant

No one would be happy to lose their hair. However, at times, it happens inevitably. Thankfully, there’re things you can do to save the situation. Are you not sure whether or not you’re ready for a hair transplant in Edmonton? This piece contains some of the things to look out for when deciding whether you need a hair transplant.

Changes in Hairline 

This one only happens among make patients and is known as androgenic alopecia. It can happen at any stage of life and doesn’t prove any medical complication. When it commences, you’ll notice that your hairline recedes. After some time, it’ll progress and only leave a thin strip of hair at the sides and back of your head. 

Once you notice that your hairline has started to recede, it’s time to make an appointment with hair transplant experts, and they’ll advise you accordingly. You can still go for a hair transplant, even after losing a significant amount of hair, so doesn’t treat it like an emergency.

Thinning on the Crown 

Aside from the changes in the hairline, some patients start to lose hair right from the top of their heads. This one can also happen at any age since some cases are hereditary. 

Suppose you’re not sure how bad the situation is, you can ask someone to look it for you. It’s also possible to confirm with your hands by touching the top of your head. If you notice a lot of hair lying around, it might be time to opt for a hair transplant. 

Thinning on the crown might also happen as you get old, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t fix it.

You’ve Noticed a Difference

Did you know that humans lose hair daily as a natural process? The fallen hair should also be replaced naturally. Unfortunately, your lost hair won’t grow up if you’re going bald. You’re likely to notice this when you start taking photos. One of the best ways to know whether you are losing hair is by comparing photos of yourself. 

With that, you can also notice the rate at which you’re losing your hair. If you can, consider a hair transplant so that the process doesn’t continue for too long.

Been Balding More Than 5 Years

Some people notice that they’ve started to lose hair, but they don’t do anything about it. Once balding has started, it’ll not stop until your head has no hair left. The sooner you solve the problem, the better. If you have been balding for five years and over, you should go for a hair transplant. 

Note that waiting until you have lost a significant amount of hair has some advantages. For instance, it makes it easier for your doctor to trace and understand the pattern of your hair. That way, they can come up with a tailored action to ensure that you get the results you want. But again, you don’t want to wait until all your hair is gone.

Hair on Shower, Pillows, and Floor

You’ll notice that your hair drops daily, even you don’t have any health complications. You’ll find hair on your pillows, blankets, floor, showers, and on other surfaces. If it’s only a small amount of hair, then there’s nothing to worry about. 

However, if you notice that you lose a lot of hair on your pillows, floors, and showers, then it’s time to act. Talk to your doctor and man an appointment for a hair transplant. Even women can opt for a hair transplant if they want their hair to appear thicker and more attractive.

You Have Enough for What You Want 

One of the best times of hair restoration is ensuring that the process is done when you haven’t lost all your hair. Experts suggest talking to your doctor as soon as you start losing hair. Though this might sound contrary to one of our points, to get the most attractive and natural look you deserve, you should go for a hair transplant when you still have some hair on your head. 

Your doctor will work with the available hair to restore the lost ones. Most of the time, they’ll use the hair at the back and sides of your head to replace the lost ones. Thus, you don’t want to wait until it’s too late.

If you were unsure whether you’re ready for a hair transplant, we hope this piece helps you decide. Suppose you want to learn more, you can either consult other online tools or speak with your doctor. They will answer all questions you might have about your hair and hair transplant.