Time To Increase Prebiotic Fiber In Your Diet. Here Is Why And How

Prebiotics are fibers that can’t be digested and help good bacteria grow in the digestive system. Because your body can’t break down these plant fibers, they end up in your colon, where they feed the good bacteria. So Prebiotics and probiotics help digestion, but they are not the same.

Why Are Prebiotics Important?

Even though more research needs to be done to understand how Prebiotics help the body fully, it is clear that they are important for good health. Some high-fiber foods already have Prebiotics but can also be added chemically. As a bonus, you can also get them as supplements.

It has been shown that eating 3–5 grams of Prebiotics every day is good for gut health. Eating the recommended amount is the easiest way to ensure you’re getting enough fiber.

The Benefits of Prebiotics

Improves Gut Health

Prebiotics help keep your digestive and intestinal health in good shape. They increase the amount of “good” bacteria in the gut, which helps digestion, stops diarrhea, and reduces bloating and gas.

Better Immune System

What you eat can change your immune system and make you more likely to get allergies. Initial research suggests that Prebiotics may change the ratio of “good” to “bad” gut bacteria, reducing inflammation and strengthening the immune system. In addition, scientists have found that if the bacteria in your gut are healthy, you are less likely to get several diseases.

Prebiotics may help prevent allergies and ease the symptoms of eczema by affecting the systems involved in developing allergic diseases. However, more research is needed in this area.

Bone Health

Keeping your bone density up may make you less likely to get osteoporosis or break a bone. In addition, some research shows that Prebiotics help the body absorb calcium, which is important for bone health.

But the effectiveness of Prebiotics may change with age and overall health, so more research is needed to determine how these factors are linked.

What foods contain Prebiotics?

When it comes to Prebiotics, you can find them in a ton of naturally occurring foods. However, if you are in a place where you cannot eat the below-mentioned foods, you can try out Prebiotics supplements. You can easily find the best Prebiotic powder that is safe and easily absorbed by our bodies. 


Apples are full of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Pectin is a type of fiber found in apples. It helps good bacteria grow while slowing the growth of bad bacteria. So even though eating apple flesh is good for you, eating the peel is just as important because it has many important nutrients.


Bananas have many vitamins, minerals, fiber, and small amounts of prebiotic inulin. In addition, it has been shown that this fruit improves digestive health by boosting the number of good bacteria and reducing flatulence. You can eat bananas raw or cooked.


Onions have a lot of compounds that fight cancer and chronic diseases, like Prebiotics, antioxidants, and flavonoids. In addition, both inulin and FOS, found in onions, are good for gut health and the immune system. Onions are versatile and can be used in cooked foods like soups, stews, and fresh foods like salads.


Garlic is a healthy herb that makes everything it’s used in taste better. It has been used to improve health for hundreds of years and has many Prebiotics, inulin, and FOS. Even though garlic is best for your health when eaten fresh, it is still beneficial in cooking.

Unprocessed oats

Whole oats have healthy levels of gut bacteria because they have beta-glucan fiber and resistant starch. Oatmeal is often used in processed foods and must be cooked before eating. Two more benefits of using it are that it helps control blood sugar and improves digestion.

Jerusalem artichokes

Jerusalem artichokes are a type of sunflower that grows underground and produces a tasty tuber. They have a lot of nutrients that are good for you and are a good source of inulin and other dietary fibers. Due to their high fiber content and high concentration of good bacteria, Jerusalem artichokes are a great way to keep your digestive system healthy and prevent several diseases. In addition, they taste good, both raw and cooked.

Chicory Root

The chicory root tastes like coffee when it is made into tea. It has a lot of antioxidants and a lot of Prebiotics. Fiber from chicory root is often added to processed foods to increase fiber.