
Why You’re Stuck in Low Elo: Understanding the Factors Holding You Back

If you find yourself trapped in low elo in League of Legends (LoL) and struggling to climb the ranks, don’t despair. Many players face this challenge at some point in their journey. Understanding the factors that may be holding you back is the first step towards breaking free from the low elo cycle. In this guide, we’ll delve into some common reasons why players get stuck in low elo and provide valuable insights to help you overcome these obstacles and ascend to higher ranks with the assistance of Lol Script.

Lack of Fundamental Skills

To succeed in LoL, it’s crucial to have a strong foundation of fundamental skills. This includes last-hitting, map awareness, positioning, and ability usage. If you’re struggling in low elo, it’s possible that your basic mechanics and game knowledge need improvement. Focus on refining these skills through dedicated practice and research. As you strengthen your fundamentals, you’ll gain an advantage over your opponents and see progress in your rank.

Ineffective Decision-Making

Decision-making is a critical aspect of LoL gameplay. Low elo players often struggle with making optimal choices, such as when to engage, when to rotate, or when to prioritize objectives. Analyze your decision-making process and strive to make well-informed choices based on the game state, map awareness, and communication with your team. By improving your decision-making skills, you’ll make more impactful plays and turn the tide of games in your favor.

Lack of Adaptability

Adaptability is key in the ever-changing landscape of LoL. Low elo players sometimes fall into the trap of rigidly sticking to a single playstyle, build, or champion pool. However, each game presents unique challenges that require flexibility. Expand your champion pool, experiment with different strategies, and adapt to different team compositions and matchups. Being adaptable will enable you to counter your opponents effectively and capitalize on their weaknesses.

Poor Map Awareness

Map awareness is a crucial skill that many low elo players struggle with. Failing to keep track of the minimap can lead to missed opportunities or vulnerability to ganks. Train yourself to regularly glance at the map, paying attention to the positions of enemy champions and potential threats. Communicate with your team and utilize pings to share vital information. Developing strong map awareness will greatly enhance your decision-making and overall gameplay.

Limited Focus on Objectives

Objectives win games in LoL, yet low elo players often prioritize kills over strategic objectives. While securing kills is important, it’s essential to also focus on securing turrets, dragons, Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor. Coordinate with your team to establish objective control, set up vision, and communicate timing for optimal captures. By shifting your focus to objectives, you’ll create opportunities for game-winning advantages and climb out of low elo.

Lack of Team Coordination

League of Legends is a team-based game, and synergy with your teammates is crucial. Low elo players often struggle with team coordination and communication. Foster a positive and collaborative atmosphere by actively engaging in team discussions, making effective calls, and encouraging your teammates. Prioritize teamwork over individual glory, and strive for cohesive play. Strong team coordination will provide a significant edge in low elo matches.


Being stuck in low elo can be frustrating, but understanding the factors that contribute to your situation is the first step towards improvement. By addressing issues such as lack of fundamental skills, ineffective decision-making, limited adaptability, poor map awareness, neglecting objectives, and insufficient team coordination, you can break free from the low elo cycle. Dedicate yourself