Mom Survival Tips From The Experts To Get You Through The First Months

You’re a new mom and you have no idea what to do. Your baby is on your breast one minute, asleep in their crib the next. You can’t seem to get anything done around the house because you are constantly running back and forth between chores and tending to your little one’s needs. 

It feels like there is never enough time or energy for anything. Well, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with these easy tips that will help make life easier. 

Ask for help and get adequate rest

It’s okay to ask for a little extra help while you’re adjusting to life with a newborn. Have a friend or family member come over to sit and play with your baby so you can get some housecleaning done or make that phone call you’ve been avoiding. As badly as you want to be a supermom, you need your rest. Delegate tasks to whoever can help and take care of you a little bit.

You think you’ll spend hours on end breastfeeding your baby before realizing that they’ve gone back to sleep after you’ve nursed them for five minutes. Take advantage of those moments and get some extra sleep yourself. It’s important for you to get your sleep as well because it’s safer for the baby. Your not resting increases the risk of accidents at home. Make sure you get at least 2-3 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night for the first couple of weeks after delivery. If your baby doesn’t wake up at night, you can sleep a little longer before getting up to tend to them.

Be proactive in your parenting

Don’t wait until the baby is crying before you respond. Soothe yourself first, then soothe the baby. Take time out of each day to do something that makes you feel better, whether it’s going for a walk or reading a book. 

Need some help staying on top of things? Check out these mommy guides and tips that can be a lifesaver for you. Things you can do to stay organised include having bottles of prepared formula on standby. That way, you don’t have to spend time making formula in the middle of the night, with the baby screaming in the background. Just heat it up and go.

If you’re breastfeeding, pump as often as possible during the day so that your baby can benefit from your extra milk while you rest or sleep at night. Have items laid out for a bath beforehand. When it comes time to give the baby a bath, all you have to do is warm up the water and soap, then wash the baby and get out. Of course, that means you’ll need some help from your partner or spouse in making sure there’s water prepared for when you’re ready.

Get organized and plan ahead as much as possible 

Dealing with a baby’s needs is not the only time you need to be organised. Take time to sit down and make a schedule for yourself. Plan what needs to get done over the next couple of days, and get started early in the morning when you have some energy. Preparing ahead can save you hours of wasted time, or at least give you the opportunity to find more time. The sad reality is that it is expected that you keep up with the majority of your regular chores, as well as look after your new baby. 

How do you do that? Stay organized and be prepared. Keep your house impeccably clean, keep things ready at hand for meal prep (have spices in a jar/can pre-measured), make sure you have the ingredients to cook meals beforehand so that you’re not running out to get the last minute. This way, when the baby needs attention, or hubby comes home from work, or you’re just exhausted, there is still something prepared for everyone to eat. 

Find other moms who can provide support and encouragement during these tough times.

Make friends with other moms when you have little ones. They can also provide support and help you network with other moms in their larger community. The more you get involved, the better. Don’t be shy- go for it! Look online or join a baby group. It’s always good to have a few friends that you can talk to about how your day went and things you’re having trouble with.

Avoid becoming too stressed or anxious, which can be harmful to both you and the baby. If your new mom’s anxiety is getting out of hand, see a therapist or find another mom who can provide support and encouragement during these times.

If you’re a new mom, these tips should prove helpful to you. You are doing an amazing job. Now that your baby is here, it’s time to take care of yourself so that motherhood doesn’t overwhelm you and make you feel like a failure. Take some time for self-care with the help of our list above or schedule regular date nights with your husband where he can be the one who takes charge for a while.