Summer Bucket List: Sand on Whyte 7/3 to 7/12

Ice on Whyte is one of our favorite festivals during the winter months. Recreated with sand during the summer months, Sand on Whyte is a fun walk to gaze upon sand sculptures without having to be anywhere near the beach.

Sand on Whyte takes place in 2015 between July 3 and July 12 and has admission by donation, making it an affordable afternoon out with the kids. Hours are from 10-10 daily, during the exhibition.

With a total of 20 cubic yards of sands, you’re sure to find something to make you smile during a summer walk. Find Sand on Whyte on a Saturday and make an afternoon of it, walking through the Farmer’s Market for a few treats to snack on while you look.

Stroller friendly, great for children young and old and affordable outing – Sand on Whyte checks off all three of those for our summer fun list.

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